Payment Method

What kind of payment method may

We accept the following payment options: Credit Card – We accept Visa/Mastercard.

PayPal – Choose to pay securely through PayPal using your debit card or credit card. Registration is free and easy. For more information, please visit

PayPal Express – Choose to pay securely through PayPal platform. Registration is free and easy. For more information, please visit

What if my payment has failed?

There may be several reasons for why payment for an order has failed. Reach out to our Customer Service Team via contact us with subject ‘Fail Payment’ and provide your details and/or screenshot of trouble (if can).

Where is my order confirmation number?

An order confirmation number is only generated for online orders – once you’ve successfully placed your order online, you will receive an email containing the details of your order.

Did not receive your Order Confirmation?

Let us help you! Contact our Customer Service Team via contact us.

Why does my order status show “Payment Pending”?

Typically, the ‘Payment Pending’ status occurs when payment is unsuccessful. However, if payment is in fact unsuccessful, you should have received an email from us with instructions to reattempt payment.

Unable to reattempt payment or didn’t get a payment failure email?
Please refrain from re-creating your order to prevent duplication! Get in touch with our Customer Service Team via via contact us with subject ‘Payment Pending’ and we’ll send you a link for another attempt at payment!

Paid but order status has not been updated after 24 hours?
Our Customer Service Team can help to verify your payment and resend an order confirmation email. Please reach out to us via contact us with subject ‘Order Whereabouts’ as the concern.